Sunday, July 26, 2009

If None Have Read It, Then Who Wrote it?

Ever wonder just who it is that writes these 1200 page bills of drivel and ill conceived thought?

Ever wonder if a 96 year old Supreme Court Justice, or any judge, or any current Supreme Court nominee, writes their own opinions?

Begs the question, doesn't it, of exactly whose ideas and whose opinions are being pushed.

Another point to make is that on those 900 page bills that are being pushed as coming out of nowhere (TARP I), the fact is that they do not come out of nowhere. Make no mistake, THAT thing was in its 899'th page of draft way before Bush and Paulson went on their binge of hysteria to try and sell a "crisis".

Same goes for the stimulus/porklus, ObamaCare, and yes my friends, even the Patriot Act.


RKL said...

I wonder if the Porkulus bill wasn't just a cut and paste of every Statist's dream payoffs?

Publius said...

I agree, and it sure seems to me that you just do not write that stuff in 24 hrs or less. It MUST have been waiting in the wings as a shovel-ready project.

Makes me wonder who or what is the real prime mover behind the scenes. There is more going on than a couple of staffers working for a week to turn out these bills.

Good Grief, it took the founders what, 3 months, to draft our first peoples legislation (the Constitution) having text that takes yup just 3 pages of typewritten text - and these behind the scenes people are giving us 1200 pages in 3 weeks???

I think that one of the reasons that there is so much crap coming out of Washington is because uneducated people are actually pulling the levers and changing the gears. What great statesman, thinker, true intellectual do we have actually thinking about what to draft, and what philosophical principles are involved? Dare say none? All nowadays being left to the 20 something staffers - that took no classical studies (and think that Herodotus is the latest gang banger) and instead took only poly-sci. Thus it is that it is they that are writing these rat-hole-creating feel-good destroyers of our freedoms.

At least in the day, Jefferson was a "farmer" who thru that activity knew that you do not get ahead on next year's crop by eating the seed corn today. Where we had Washington, who ordered the hanging of deserters from his Continental Army. Where we had framers that knew exactly why the 1st, 2d, etc amendments were "really" being added.

They would be rolling in their graves if they saw what was happening - and the complacency of the people as they travel this road to serfdom.

BTW, could it be that now we may get a glimpse of why GOD sent a flood? Sometimes easier to just reboot. Indeed, that is what the colonists did isn't it?