Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Property = Freedom

~ by Cato

I was thinking about the government’s increasing encroachment on my economic choices and wondering how to protect my property from the government. Suddenly, I woke up and smelled the coffee as my brain was animated to think "Wait a minute! Wasn’t our government set up to protect property rights? Indeed, can not freedom, and life, and indeed many of the other "rights" that we had to embody in a Bill of Rights be considered "property" - in the abstract at least.

At any rate, when I feel that I must protect my property, my life, my liberty, my freedom, against the government that is supposed to protect it, then something is very wrong. Indeed, I realized that the more I fear the government’s threat to my property, the farther along we are on the path from safety to danger, from republic to statism, from freedom to tyranny.

Then I read this from Barney Frank at the National Press Club today:

"I've had people come to us and complain, "Well, if you do that, I can't make any money." The answer is that's not my job. We're not here to help you make money. We are here to help have a system in which you will make money as an incident of your providing funds to those who will use it productively."

Huh? I am supposed to make money for someone else? And double Huh? You get to dictate that I use MY property in a manner YOU consider productive?

So you say. Sorry, but no. Your job is to safeguard my property rights, not decide who gets my property.

Seneca's Addendum:

#1 This then causes the bumper sticker I saw the other day to come into clear focus, for it said, "Fear the Government that Fears Your Guns" .... And all the little kiddies think (or are taught) that the 2d amendment was/is about hunting and target practice.

#2 There is a difference between the government belonging to the people, and the people belonging to the government. I think we know which of these philosophies the Revolutionary War was fought over. Shame on Mr Frank and shame on anybody that says "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

The real thing that needs to be said is, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for YOURSELF."

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