Friday, September 28, 2012

Presidential Debates - Expect to Find Some Tap Dancing

I found this pithy statement on a comment section of a news article ....

For both the presidential and vice presidential debates they should have all of the candidates "wired".... They could be hooked up to a lie detector that will give out shocks upon receiving a deceitful or untrue answer. By the end of each debate it would look like a couple of "Irish step dancers"

Could not have said it better myself.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

OT - Regarding Engineers - Is this really true?

Here is a transcript from a radio talk show. The caller was trying to explain WHY a politician seemed to be so clueless ...

 CALLER: The reason I'm calling is, I got a little different take on Akin and, you know, why he didn't back out. You know, I was doing like most other people. I was extremely angry. I'm listening to his interview yesterday, he seemed clueless and everything, but let me set this up for about five seconds.

I'm in sales, and what hit me when I was listening to him is when he said he's an engineer. And, you know what? I'm in sales right now. When I can get someone emotionally involved, I've got a huge chance of success. And whenever I run into an engineer, I'm in a dead end, 'cause you cannot get them emotionally involved; they're strictly looking at it analytically, and you just can't get 'em to make a decision.

And I see this guy as, you know what, he's an engineer, he's looking at, you know what, I just made one mistake, one little misstep, and to him that's such a small percentage of anything he's ever... that he can even comprehend. He can't comprehend the emotional aspect of this situation and how it can possibly affect this thing down the road.

RUSH: Well --

CALLER: He's looking at it as an engineer, and it's just like beating your head against the wall trying to get through to this man.

RUSH: Yeah, wait a second. In addition to being an engineer he's a Marine and he's a politician. He's been a politician for a lot of years. He's in the Missouri House of Representatives and he certainly understands politics.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: He's got to be able to reach people on a certain emotional level to get their votes.

CALLER: Well, I agree with you there. I just think this is ingrained in him, though. I mean when he said it, it struck a chord with me, and all I could see is so many engineers I sit down with, and you can't get 'em emotionally involved. And this is a huge emotional issue.

RUSH: Well, one thing that I will agree with you on, I probably would understand this. He, no doubt, thinks that he worked damn hard to get this far, and, you're right, I think, in his mind, "Hey, I misspoke. Big deal."

Any Comments???

He's Jus Say'in

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gotta Love Clint Eastwood

Deja Vu

Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to look over this cartoon from Chicago Tribune from 1934 and see the similarities to the politics that is being practiced nowadays.Note the text on the sign at the lower left.

In another post on this blog, I mention the discussion I had with Mitt Romney when he walked into a local Starbucks with presumably his advance team. My question to him was if in his opinion the people (the demographic of younger people such as those at the Starbucks) had any idea of what was in store for them. He stated emphatically "They have absolutely no idea."

Do we think they and many other Americans know now what is in store, or do they still believe the likes of Glenn Back and Ron Paul are screaming crazy alarmists? Where will all the non-believers be when it comes to pass. Will they run and hide like roaches. Will ANYBODY be found who will admit that they were the ones thinking Paul and Beck were crazy? 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just to be Fair About It

From a recent news item

Obama would make permanent the American Opportunity tax credit, created as part of his 2009 economic stimulus program. The credit provides up to $2,500 a year per student for college costs but is due to expire Jan. 1. Renewing it would cost an estimated $13 billion next year alone.

Says one college student to the other, "Oh, what the heck,  13 Billion here, 13 Billion there. Small change, as long as I can get my education at the other guys expense.

You see folks, this is how the STATE does it. It gives each of us a little piece of the pie and then once at the public trough, we are wont to leave it, coming up with all sorts of justifications why OUR feeding/"need" is appropriate but the other persons isn't.

BTW - the article also mentions how the average tuition cost went up about $ 8000 last year. Gee, go figure, the government prints and gives away free money and the prices of things goes up. Of course spending goes up when the money is "free".

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

This little clip kind of reminds me of the Republicans/Conservatives? and how they are generally gotten the better of by the Liberals. You see, Liberals make their own rules while the Republicans look all around wonder how these Liberals are doing the things they are doing.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Pigford Incident

I'll have a bit more to say about this video but to wet your appetite, think TARP.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Gonorrhea Lectim - New Virus On the Loose

Gonorrhea Lectim

One should be thinking about this seriously.

I'm sending this because I know you are bright and I care about you.

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of this old disease. The disease is called "Gonorrhea Lectim." It's pronounced "Gonna re-elect em" and it is a terrible Obamanation.

The disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum.

Many victims contracted it in 2008...But now most people, after having been infected for the past 1-3 years, are starting to realize how destructive this sickness is.

It's sad because Gonorrhea Lectim is easily cured with a new drug just coming on the market called Votemout. You take the first dose now and the second dose in Nov. 2012 and simply don't engage in such behavior again; otherwise, it could become permanent and eventually wipe out all life as we know it.

You may want to pass this important message on to all those bright folks you really care about.

(off the web contributed by LaDelle)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What Joe Biden Was Talking About

This morning Fox News had a piece on Biden's rant about opportunity and how Republicans are the Evil Rich that are holding everybody down. Fox News wanted some input as to what folks thought.

Well, having been stirred out of my complacent slumber here goes .....

I understand perfectly what Biden was talking about. What he was talking about was that if the Republicans do not jettison the likes of Karl Rove and the other establishment hacks that are paraded on Fox, then we are going to lose big time in the next election. Guys like Rove will be FOREVER associated with GEORGE BUSH and that connection gives Democrats a free tool to use against ANY Republican candidate.

On those "independent" voters ....... I am one of those independents, and if I have to have Barrak Obama for another 4 years so as to teach the Republicans a lesson, then I am all for it.

I am ashamed of what used to be my party. They have sold out and they need to wake up and represent ME and millions of other just like me that are tired of the Republican lock-step that simply parrots the same repackaged brand of Big Government that we hear from the Democrats.

The true colors of the Republicans were shown by the TARP bailout bill, where ALL, count em ALL of my delegation from Texas( Cornyn, Smith, Hutchison) voted FOR this massive pork initiative that did nothing but give Democrats the open door to tax and spend ... and to win the next election. How do you whine and complain about bailouts to GM when you gave bailouts to the banks. It seems that everybody in on the government dole, they just use different hands to take it (from me).

On another note, many of the Republicans that I have spoken with do not get this point. When the TARP is brought up, because it was done by a Republican administration, then they defend the thing and quit reading my blog. When I mention , "Hey how about paying for your own darned medical bills, brought along because of natural old age, or because of choices you made earlier as to lifestyle, or  simply brought along by life's chances, they give me the look which says they are ENTITLED to their piece of the pie. What hypocrisy, folks running around whining about the other guy and how he is stealing pie, when they have a mouthful of pie crust themselves.

Well, guess what? The chickens have come home to roost in Barrak Obama. That Barrack Obama is at 46% approval rating right now after what he and the Democrats have done to the country is appalling.

Do the Republicans not get it? Makes me want to VOMIT.