Thursday, September 20, 2012

Deja Vu

Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to look over this cartoon from Chicago Tribune from 1934 and see the similarities to the politics that is being practiced nowadays.Note the text on the sign at the lower left.

In another post on this blog, I mention the discussion I had with Mitt Romney when he walked into a local Starbucks with presumably his advance team. My question to him was if in his opinion the people (the demographic of younger people such as those at the Starbucks) had any idea of what was in store for them. He stated emphatically "They have absolutely no idea."

Do we think they and many other Americans know now what is in store, or do they still believe the likes of Glenn Back and Ron Paul are screaming crazy alarmists? Where will all the non-believers be when it comes to pass. Will they run and hide like roaches. Will ANYBODY be found who will admit that they were the ones thinking Paul and Beck were crazy? 

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