Monday, February 29, 2016

Trump Supporters - You Are About to Get Trumped

~ February 29, 2016

We have all heard presidential candidate Trump talk about immigration and his plans for those here illegally. For the red meat crowd, his pronouncements are like a juicy T-bone greedily consumed in a frenzy of mindless chomping , yet amid all the clawing and scratching as the people devour his rhetoric, and thereby sate their emotional appetite to “do something”, one has to wonder if the agitated crowd has really heard beyond what they simply wanted to hear.

Do these teeming masses of nationalist flag wavers ( and I am not saying that nationalist flag wavers are bad, it was simply thrown in there to get your attention) understand what Trump really means when he says he will deport those that are here illegally, and furthermore, do understand what he means when he says that those that enter the country are going to do so legally?

Do they understand that Trump’s understanding of what he is saying is not what their understanding is of what he is saying?

Folks, as you are munching away on your steak dinner, consider and contemplate that Consulates and Embassies are sovereign territory. For example,  Mexico’s consulate in San Antonio is MEXICAN Territory. You step into that Consulate and you are in Mexico.

Next consider that after Trump is elected, he will issue a directive to create an American Immigration Adjustment Program (AIAP). He will then issue a directive to Homeland/INS to create rules and procedures to document and process illegals for deportation under his AIAP.

He will also issue  a proclamation to the public that all those illegally in the United States are to report to a U.S. administrative facility, such as a post office, etc.,  to fill our paperwork for the executive-order-created American Immigration Adjustment Program. The paperwork will consist of biographical information and other information such as length of time in the U.S., any American children, job history, criminal and civil legal history, driving record, economic status and savings, etc.

Once this information if gathered , each applicant will be background checked. They will then be issued a final order of removal, and be told to report to their nearest consulate or embassy, or to go to the Mexican side of an authorized crossing/entry point.  Once they are at the embassy or consulate/or entry point, and having steeped one foot into Mexico to “dry out”, they are on Mexican soil, and have therefore been deported. Thus it is that Trump will fulfill his deportation promise using the same idea of “drying out” that has been used before.

Now that the deportation part of the law (and Trump’s promise) has been fulfilled, each applicant who has no criminal history of objectionable nature, has kids, a job, etc,. based on some sort of priority scheme, will be  given legal entry  to the United States with a visa or a green card (with worker authorization, of course) with instruction to keep your nose clean and report to the nearest immigration probation office monthly. A proviso will be added that  if they are charged with a crime, then they will be removed, and their funds in the bank frozen ( see below),  with some other penalty  - perhaps forfeiture of a bond. All this to keep them motivated to keep clean.

All this deportation and re-entry may be done easily under the presidential immigration pardon or attorney general pardon provisions already in the existing immigration law which allows unlimited pardon/waiver  in immigration matters.

In this way then, entry will be legal ( indeed ,there need be no new laws made as all this is already possible under existing law), and Trump will have kept his promise that people enter this country legally.

Back to the work permit - This will be a special permit having a provision that all the re-entrants  money must be deposited to a United States participating bank which will track income and outflows, and be used as a tracking and control device. Any employer paying under the table will be fined big bucks, AND,  whistle blowers from the new entrants will be encouraged by a  bounty to turn in offending employers that do not comply with these deposit and tracking provisions. Indeed, to beef up to program certain whistle-blowers will get to have their green card upgraded to allow a fast track path to citizenship.

After all this is disclosed, American will howl and scream, because although they heard Trump use the words deport and enter legally, it has never have crossed their minds to listen more carefully, and thus they never have put the two together that the people allowed to enter legally were going to be many of the same ones just deported.

They also did not care to read Donald Trump’s, and his son Eric Trump’s, statements to media as to the fact that, for the most part,  the same people deported by his father would be the same ones that legally re-entered. (From articles in the Washington Post December 15th, 2015, and RedState December 6th, 2015, respectively.)

Trump will shrug and take the position that it is not his problem that people do not listen. Indeed, he is counting on it.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Presidential Debates - Expect to Find Some Tap Dancing

I found this pithy statement on a comment section of a news article ....

For both the presidential and vice presidential debates they should have all of the candidates "wired".... They could be hooked up to a lie detector that will give out shocks upon receiving a deceitful or untrue answer. By the end of each debate it would look like a couple of "Irish step dancers"

Could not have said it better myself.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

OT - Regarding Engineers - Is this really true?

Here is a transcript from a radio talk show. The caller was trying to explain WHY a politician seemed to be so clueless ...

 CALLER: The reason I'm calling is, I got a little different take on Akin and, you know, why he didn't back out. You know, I was doing like most other people. I was extremely angry. I'm listening to his interview yesterday, he seemed clueless and everything, but let me set this up for about five seconds.

I'm in sales, and what hit me when I was listening to him is when he said he's an engineer. And, you know what? I'm in sales right now. When I can get someone emotionally involved, I've got a huge chance of success. And whenever I run into an engineer, I'm in a dead end, 'cause you cannot get them emotionally involved; they're strictly looking at it analytically, and you just can't get 'em to make a decision.

And I see this guy as, you know what, he's an engineer, he's looking at, you know what, I just made one mistake, one little misstep, and to him that's such a small percentage of anything he's ever... that he can even comprehend. He can't comprehend the emotional aspect of this situation and how it can possibly affect this thing down the road.

RUSH: Well --

CALLER: He's looking at it as an engineer, and it's just like beating your head against the wall trying to get through to this man.

RUSH: Yeah, wait a second. In addition to being an engineer he's a Marine and he's a politician. He's been a politician for a lot of years. He's in the Missouri House of Representatives and he certainly understands politics.

CALLER: Absolutely.

RUSH: He's got to be able to reach people on a certain emotional level to get their votes.

CALLER: Well, I agree with you there. I just think this is ingrained in him, though. I mean when he said it, it struck a chord with me, and all I could see is so many engineers I sit down with, and you can't get 'em emotionally involved. And this is a huge emotional issue.

RUSH: Well, one thing that I will agree with you on, I probably would understand this. He, no doubt, thinks that he worked damn hard to get this far, and, you're right, I think, in his mind, "Hey, I misspoke. Big deal."

Any Comments???

He's Jus Say'in