Thursday, January 14, 2010

Those Murdering Quakes

From AFP ......
On Wednesday, Obama ordered a "swift, coordinated and aggressive effort to save lives," in Haiti following the murderous quake, as a massive US aid mission swung into action, using troops, naval forces, aircraft and rescue teams. [emphasis added]

Yeah - let's bring those earthquakes up on criminal charges before the world court and then stick them in gitmo for their murdering ways. This is how the soft mind of a liberal works, take a word and misuse it.

What's next? An attempt to define marriage as being something other than the definition of marriage with its  man+woman requirement? Or, maybe an attempt to say that people don't murder people, guns do?


RKL said...

There used to be editors who would correct those kinds of errors. But then again there used to be honest news reporting as well.

Publius said...

You know RKL, I flagged it because I think it was intentional. I think that editors still exist that can flag such things but, that it was actually desired because it fit in with "the movement".

BTW, I am doing some soul searching right now regarding dropping my American Society of Civil Engineers membership because of their swallowing of all the drivel.

I have already dropped out of the design engineering already - much for the same reasons. Everyone and everything appear to have caught the infection.