Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti but Another Example of the Corrosive Poison of Foreign Aid

Was listening to Bill O'Riley yesterday, and he, in exasperated tone of heightened vexation asked:

Since 1992, the United States has spent $3 billion in aid on Haiti and nothing has been fixed. Today, the people are worse off and the place more corrupt than it was when we started. What is the problem down there? Why isn't the problem fixed?

Like Duh Bill - The reason it isn't fixed is because all those with bleeding hearts keep trying to fix it. When will the United States and its people learn that problems in a foreign country's social fabric have to be "fixed" by the people of the country itself.

Mark my words, we are going to pour money down that rat-hole till the cows come home, all so those that take our money so as to give it to others can go to sleep at night feeling oh so compassionate.

For those of you that watch Star Trek, to avoid things like this (propagation of helplessness/poverty/corruption by "helping" ) is the reason for the Prime Directive, which is to NOT interfere with the natural progression of any alien society, no matter how much that society's defects strain at one's heartstrings society from learing lessons it MUST learn so as to be able to discern reality from anti-reality.

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