Saturday, August 15, 2009

Man Helps Explain Ayn Rand's Philosophy

Here is a passionate look at the state of things. But this guy is the only one that feels this way, right? Keep on dreaming ... there are millions that feel this way. About time to start calling a spade a spade. All the things he is talking about, brought to you courtesy of those that really believe that you are your brother's keeper, and use the power of the government to force you to do it. I mean after all, Barney Frank was just doing some "brother keeping", right?

That is exactly the point of Ayn Rand, that altruism (brother keeping) is destructive to society in that it leads to these kind of things, because what better way to practice altruism than to have "Big Brother" be my keeper. The only way to keep this from happening is to take the other tack and say " Sorry Bro, you best be keeping yourself", which by the way, is the real meaning of the phrase.

Open without the kids around.

~ Video Link Courtesy of Ann

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