Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Boot is Still a Boot

Starbucks - Bulverde Texas

I saw a fellow reading The 5000 Year Leap, and since we had just had a TeaRally, I stuck up a conversation by asking if he liked the book. He said the he did and that he was amazed at how far off the tracks the country has moved from the ideals that made the country in the first place.

Now, here is where it becomes distressing, for these preliminaries lead to a discussion of Statism and Big Government, and in that vein, I mentioned how the "Big-Government Problem" is not confined to the Democrats, but that the Republicans are helping hand-in-hand to expand the power of the Federal Government over our lives. Essentially, it being that the Democrats come from one direction while the Republicans come from the other - with the pocketbook of the citizen in the middle. To try and drive the point home that "our" party is power hungry just as are the Democrats, I mentioned that the thing that was the straw that broke my back was when our Republican Senators Hutchison & Cornyn, and my District 21 Representative Lamar Smith, ALL voted for the first TARP bailout - over the objections of their constituents.

Now, think of it. I had just told him that the Republicans were ½ the problem. Was there any light that went off in his head? Was there any nod of agreement? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Even though that I was telling him that his Republican Senators and his Republican Congressman sold him out, he was going to avoid that ugly fact and continue to think that it is all Obama and those evil Democrats.

I am so saddened that even the people that go to the tea parties, when led by a celebrity to "boo" the Republicans and the Democrats, do so with gusto; yet in their heart of hearts, when you get them "one-on-one" to look inside, you can see that they feel that it is all the Democrat's fault, and think that if the Republicans can boot them out then things will be all good and fine. They completely ignore that it was BUSH that came to Congress and wanted a $700 billion appropriation in 3 days.

In sum it will not be good if Obama has his way, nor will not be all good and fine if the Republicans with their current brand of Corporatism and Statism come back to power, because a boot is a boot and feels the same on my neck whether it is worn by a Democrat or a Republican.

In sum, I think that it is appropriate to remember - It is Not Left vs Right - It is the STATE vs YOU.

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