Monday, July 5, 2010

What a Great Idea


This is the kind of creative thinking we need in our country. Don’t know if you want to blog it, but it will interest you.

~ A concerned Citzen
I'm just a mom of a soldier, but I sent my advice to the ONE. Dear Barack Obama, I have a simple inexpensive solution to the flow of drugs, and illegal immigrants coming across our southern boarder I know our military is stretched thin, with two wars going on. My son in law just recently got out of the army after two 15 month tours in Iraq. He first went through boot camp, then infantry training in Louisiana (Louisiana? Are we fighting a war in a swamp some where that I don't know about?). What if Infantry training stations were set up all along the southern boarder? The climate and terrain are similar to Afghanistan. When in Louisiana my son in law stayed a lot of his training time in the field, or in tents. What would be the cost to set up tents at these infantry stations for our troops to use while they train to prepare them for the war in Afghanistan? Their time would be extended by (I'm not an expert, by all means, but I would think) one to three weeks, because in their final week of training, they would now spend half of their training time (actively) patrolling our boarder carrying live ordinance!

It would all be worked/planned on a rotation type system of training. Think of what that would do for their morale, knowing they are protecting their own homeland border, and it can't cost too much more than where they train now. The simple Intimidation factor to the Mexicans, would scare at least half of them from wanting to even attempt to cross the boarder of the United States of America! And I honestly doubt that any drug dealer would want to take on the United States Military! Sincerely, A Concerned Mother and Patriotic American

What I didn't add to the letter was, "That is unless you are also on the payroll of the drug cartels (paid to ...


Pig said...

Wow, That is a pretty good idea. The only problem is getting private landowners along the border to allow the troops on thier land.

but I do like the idea.


Publius said...

Maybe establish free fire zones and also allow the andowners in on target practice to test out cool stuff.

Anonymous said...

Pig -- don't think they will have any trouble at all getting permission to operate on landowners' property