Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Man Asks "Why is it that Homosexuals are So Queer"

From http://spectator.org/archives/2009/12/07/witch-hunt-in-the-golden-state

The activists' goal is to show that California's marriage amendment, known as Proposition 8 and passed by 52 percent of voters in November 2008, was designed to create "discriminatory animus" toward homosexuals, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Duh! Of course it is. That's what politics is all about, creating discriminatory animus toward your opponents, and liberal and gay activists do it better than anyone. Do you think that the activists who disrupted a Catholic Mass were motivated by non-discriminatory good-will?
The dirty little secret object of politics is to discriminate those ideas and parties you disagree with from those you agree with, and to stir up dislike, even animus, toward the other. At least that is the politics of liberals generally, and they overdo it much to their discredit, but then again sadly, much to the advancement of their queer and destructive causes.

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