Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Note from Boulder Colorado

Just spent a few days in Boulder, CO. Pretty City with plenty of Kool-Aid to go around. Here is an example. They have a beautiful downtown area called Pearl Street. Take a street with old buildings on either side, block off the traffic, put in brick pavers and plant trees, with few sculptures, etc and you get a very nice outood shopping park with musicians, jugglers, singers, artists ... and a few "beggars and street bums" thrown in for a little seasoning.

Here is the incident that made it all come together. I was walking along and a fellow who was lost asks me if I knew which way was Broadway. I said " I am from out of town too and I don't know either."

We continue walking and about 10 feet later we pass by a raggy looking dude with greasy hair and groody fingernails, sitting down near his backpack holding a sign " Homeless - Please Help".

As we pass by I pointed to this bum and told my fellow wanderer "Hey, why don't you ask that homeless guy ... the one sitting right there next to his $1,500 mountain bike. I bet he knows."

Only in The People's Republic of Boulder

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