Monday, April 20, 2009

And You Thought They Were Any DIFFERENT???

~ from Congressman Lamar Smith's website (Dist 21 Texas)


Smith Congratulates TEA Party Organizers and Participants

Congressman Lamar Smith today, on Tax Day, sent the following letter of support to TEA Party organizers and participants throughout TX-21, which will be read at several TEA Parties in the district.

"Americans in Texas and across the country today are exercising their Constitutional rights to protest the massive expansion in the size and scope of government currently underway. ......"

Publius' Commentary
More Blah Blah Blah and blowing of smoke from elected politicans .......

In the 2010 election, remember, this is the guy voted FOR the $700 thousand million TARP bailout.

That vote was over the objections of constituents, who got, in response to their impassioned pleas, not only his YES vote to sell them down the river, but also got a letter of reply talking drivel about "stampedes" and " .... getting in front of the herd".

Folks, stuff like this political blah blah letter to the tea party people, is EXACTLY why, at many tea parties, political incumbents were not allowed to speak. It was a time for THEM to listen to US as opposed to us having to listen to them.

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