Wednesday, April 6, 2011

God Grant Me ..

I received an email telling me about the FreedomFest gathering in Las Vegas where I could mix and mingle with all the freedom lovers that come to their annual event.

Intrigued, I went to the website and looked things over.

The first thing I noticed was the banner which had a girl running with some kind of flag, and underneath having the phrase

     Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite

Now, I have always been sensitive to disturbances in the force and so seeing this tag line and experiencing some perturbations in the back of my mind over its use, I clicked around to see just what this thing was all about and who the speakers were going to be.

Saw Judge Napalitonio was going to speak - OK.
Saw Steve Forbes was going to speak - OK
Saw Tom Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods was going to speak  --- WTF??.

And thus it was that my mind recoiled. A libertarian fest where one of the speakers was the CEO of Whole Foods, an establishment that is supported by the anti-freedom, liberal voting, collectivist crowd?? Quite frankly I do not care what Wikipedia says about how free market he is .. He created a watering hole for all the foofoo eating, anti-free market thinkers out there IMO.

Thus it was that I sent this email to the event sponsor ....

Surely you are joking...

Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite ???? The national motto of ... wait for it .. wait for it ... FRANCE?????

With Liberte I do not need the other 2! The same people that dreamed up that phrase were the ones that were in the country that instituted the Reign of Terror. This conflation of Liberty with the counter ideas of Equality and Brotherhood is exactly what the socialists and collectivists all over the world have been trying to achieve for the last 200 or so years.... and now a libertarian group uses it in the banner for FreedomFest?????

It matters not a wit to restrict the Equality to equality under the law because no one in the general population whose passions are aroused by words rather than reason, makes that distinction - and that the mob does that is the reason not to use it.

Do you not think that it is for this very reason that Che, and Castro, and all the other socialists and collectivists have at some time, when it suited the purpose of inciting the mob to act in support of their collectivist and anti-liberty agenda, spouted this same pap of Liberty, Equality, and Brotherhood???

Art Koenig

A guy that only wants liberty and wants no part of equality .. or brotherhood. Not to put too fine a point on things, I am not equal to my brother nor is he equal to me; furthermore, he is his own keeper not me.

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