Thursday, April 1, 2010

Taking a Break

Some of my loyal followers have wondered why I have not posted anything in a while. The answer is that quite frankly I am worn out from all the previous posting. I had thought that Mr Obama and his posse would read a few installments of my diatribes and fulminations and on that decide that it would really be best if they changed their course of action.

Alas, all this was to no avail. They and their ilk persist in their run to destruction.

Couple this with the fact that I was asked by a group of businessmen to come address their group because they had "panties in a wad" concerns about the recent Health Care bill. Considering that I do not work for free, and wanting to test whether they wanted substance, or just some free finger-painting directed against Obama, as opposed to a wake-up call to the creeping cancer of government of which Obama is simply a symptom, I indicated that it would take an advance payment of $700 bucks, plus the condition that the floor would be mine, and the condition that the presentation would be a no holds barred, "No Apologies Tour" with equal opportunity of scorn heaped upon them, for thinking that a Republican administration would fare them any better than a Democratic one, as well as scorn on the liberals for thinking that Obama was going to save the planet.

The businessman's group failing the screening test, I was informed that although the information was good and that they needed to hear it, that the venue was "not the right one". Whew ... that saved me a lot of headache. In my earlier day, I would have created the entire presentation before finding out whether I would be on the schedule or not. In this instance, I did not think about it at all.


1 comment:

RKL said...

I know how you feel. With all of what's going on it's hard to remain positive. And after a while it feels like everything you post on your blog is negative. But there is no way to be honest and say that what is happening right now is anything but horrible. At least that's how I feel.