Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top UN climate official resigning

In a surprising move, one of the promoters of the global hoax of Global Warming and Climate Change announced his resignation as the United Nations Chief Climate Negotiator. A climate normalcy denier, Yvo de Boer, a former parole officer, and one having no credible scientific education or experience, yet appointed to position of chief climate negotiator among countries belonging to the UN  expressed disappointment that the UN was not able to broker a deal that would have resulted in massive disruption of the global economy and act to shift wealth from one group to another.

In leaving he said "This calls for new partnerships with the business sector and I now have the chance to help make this happen," meaning that there is a lot of money to be made by companies that smartly position themselves to take advantage of any rules and regulations that the governments effect, and that since he has been in the thick of things that he can help companies use climate change, and government regulatory machinery, as a means to increase their wealth.

See story here
APNewsBreak: Top UN climate official resigning

Seneca says Good Riddance! Finance Capital has plenty of other ways to make money for itself other than participation in the setting up of a new world currency (aka Carbon Credits) which if implemented would create a lucrative market in dispensation.

Just as the dispensations expiating sin were bought and sold in medieval times, so too in modern times there are human hearts at play that want to implement a pay for play scheme and apply it to business. The underlying theme is that pollution is but a means to an end - getting money out of one pocket and into another - and using the power of the government to do it.

As General Electric is heavily into manufacture of wind power equipment and fluorescent light bulbs and other so called green technology, it is no wonder that they, like many other chicken littles, are running around crying that the earth is melting, the earth is melting, all the while clucking to themselves as they count the money they are making as a result of their hysterical cries of gloom and doom.

1 comment:

RKL said...

Very true. Anyone who thinks that the board of directors of these so called "green" companies sit around and think of ways to help the Earth are really naive. They have tailored their business plans to take advantage of these government power grabs.