Friday, November 20, 2009

Losing Touch (With America)

On a cold and blustery day, Art Koenig goes to his mailbox and retrieves the latest propaganda flyer sent to him by his Representative, Texas Congressman Lamar Smith. In a staunchly Republican state, these flyers have come sporadically in the past, but in the last several months as the republican machine struggles to regain and assert its own brand of government intrusion and control, Mr. Koenig notes that both his physical and his e-mailbox are getting more than their fair share of such political messages from the likes of Smith and Senator Cornyn.

All of the flyers and email blasts excoriate the Democrats for their big government plans and take them to task for trying to take over the country. To Mr. Koenig, however, these fulminations against those evil Democrats and Liberals are disingenuous and he thinks under his breath that it takes not too bright a spark in the shed to see that there is something "off" about the messages that he and others like him are getting from the "Republican Machine".

He wonders if other people see it too, and as he trudges back into his house, he cries for his county and laments privately as he realizes that he grew up at a time when America was at its greatest and that it is now being destroyed from within by the collectivists, and the feel-gooders and that it is all happening exactly as Kruchev said it would happen - without there being a shot fired.

As he walks back inside, Mr. Koenig takes a closer look at the flyer from Smith and sees that it proudly displays on its cover the Constitution of the United States of America upon which has been overprinted the standard publisher's teaser headlines indicating the content. Three of those teasers "Defending the Constitution"; "Fighting for Limited Government", and "Speaking Out"  immediately draw his eye.

As Koenig sits down to his dinner table to read, he shakes his head as he recalls that ALL of his Texas Republican delegation, comprising Congressman Smith and Senators Hutchison and Cornyn, voted to sell out their constituents and that all three of them an a host of other Republicans helped pull the trigger on the first cannon salvo of TARP that has now become a shot heard around the world, and has which set the stage for all the other heavy artillery that has been unleashed against the American People.

As Mr. Koenig opens the flyer he sees that Mr Smith's propaganda machine tells us that Smith opposed the Stimulus Bill because it would waste taxpayers dollars and increase inflation (with no mention of his support for the thing that started it all - the TARP).The flyer also tells up that Smith is a vocal advocate of limited government. Then, elsewhere in the flyer Koenig sees that Mr .Smith also believes that: health care in America is too expensive, that too many families do not have health care insurance, that he wants to have legislation that allows families to keep their health insurance regardless of a change of loss of a job, and that he wants to improve Medicare and Medicaid.

Here now comes the rub, because as mentioned above Smith voted FOR the TARP (which will waste taxpayer money and increase inflation) and cannot now be said to be a proponent of limited government. In addition, all of these things that Smith supports are collectivist ideas and are brought to you courtesy of .... Big Government.

Do Smith and the others that inhabit the oxygen deficient atmosphere of Washington, not realize that NONE of these things that they are "for" are functions of the Federal Government to provide.

Where, for example does it say that the Federal Government is allowed to make sure that people have enough food, or health care, or movie tickets? Not to put too fine a point on things, no matter how much a Congressman, or a citizen, thinks that these things would be "good" and that the Federal Government should provide them, the Constitution of the United States of America, for a very good reason, does not grant the Congress the right to legislate or regulate concerning these things.

Thus it is that the Congress and the governments in general (Federal, State, AND Local) have ALL lost touch with the American People - and have lost touch with the Constitution, the document that specifies how the national government is to be constituted and what it can and cannot do.

As Koenig closes the flyer and adds it to his library section chronicling the fall of America, he feels alone. Indeed, as he writes items for his electronic newsletter he often wonders if anybody cares - after all, is there really any reason to worry when they can still get their triple grande super latte or as long as they can get "theirs" from the government?

On his way to work though he sees his neighbor Mary, and on stopping to talk they fall into a discussion wherein she tells him that she often wonders what happened to the Republican Party and that she and her husband feel that the Republicans have deserted her.

Hearing that, he  knows that he is not alone and wonders if the Republican Machine will ever catch on to the fact that there are millions like him and Mary, who given a change to vote Democrat or Democrat-Lite, will either go full Democrat so as to "get ours", or will simply sit out and wait for the diseased beast of the Republican Party to fall and die, whereupon we will be able to erect a new animal that is in touch with us the American People.

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