Saturday, January 2, 2010

CO2 Silliness

Was sent this link concerning The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam

As for Climate Change - I am an engineer and my brethren and I have been designing for climate change ever since that first engineer whacked off that saber-tooth tiger and made himself a coat. Next came the cave, and after that came homes with heating and air conditioning ...and raincoats. All designed to handle "Climate Change".

A side note - As an engineer I am appalled that an entire cadre of those that are trained in the solidness of math and science and the rejection of false prophets, have fallen for this hoax.

The only way I can explain it is that there is too much money in the promulgation of the hoax and that it represents a way for for the "Climate Normalcy Deniers" to redistribute wealth into their pockets at the expense of others. Thus it is that we have for example the American Society of Civil Engineers, despite the outcry of those of us willing to stand above the pack, issuing stupidly conceived and irrational letters of support for Climate Change initiatives .... initiatives that will result in creation of work projects for them. But hey who cares, in 1939 there was money to be made building boxcars. (For my younger readers that have been educated in the post 1980's modern school 1939 refers to the Nazi industrialists that build the boxcars for the transport of the Jews to the ovens.)

For more see my previous post here,  here, and here.


RKL said...

As an engineer myself it irritates me to no end that other engineers and scientists have fallen for this crap.

The basic global warming prediction is that in 50 or so years, the average earth temperatures will have increased 1 deg C which will cause a large amount of the polar ice to melt and flood cities.

From a layman's point of view which is best for this claim: They can't even predict local weather accurately for a five day span, and yet they can predict a 1 deg rise in global temperatures in 50 years? How ridiculous. Only a donkey believes that.


Publius said...

RKL - Glad that I am not alone. Thanks for your support.