For the life of me I cannot understand why in the world Fox Network has Newt Gingrich (and Karl Rove) on as political commentators, ostensibly as mouthpieces of Conservatism.
I was listening to Newt on the Fox Morning Show (Monday 1/18/10) and in talking of how the Democrats have made mis-steps Gingrich cited the lack of any modification by the Democrats of their proposals so as to to bring Republicans on board and get Republican support.
As example, Gingrich cited the first stimulus, saying that if the Democrats had taken, say a couple billion dollars of that $750 billion and set it aside for Republican programs, then they could have gotten 30% of the Republicans on board and voting with them for the stimulus. [Translation - If the Republicans could have gotten a piece of the graft, then they too would have happily participated in it.]
And Newt, and the Republicans wonder why the people are fed up with the Republican Party and why John McCain did not get elected.
Newt, "your guy" and your party are currently sitting on the sidelines, because for years the people have known that while there is political backscratching and duplicity both by the Democrats and the Republicans that their path of least resistance was to simply endure such shenanigans and try as best they could to get on with their lives. Never though did the conservative base expect to be sold out so systemically by their own party machine and here in your statement is the proof of what many republican voters have long known - that their party is nothing more that a different version of the Democrats with the only real difference being that the Democrats spend and tax, while the Republicans tax and spend, both parties being on a spending binge and both parties (machines) being bent on an increase in the power and scope of the government because that means an increase in the scope and power of the machine.
When the Republican machine starts talking, not about limiting the growth of government, but instead starts talking about reducing the size and scope of it, then THAT will signal the revival of freedom in America and indeed signal the revival of America. As it is now, however, a sufficient portion of the Republican voters (like me), knowing that in voting for a Republican they are really voting for a Democrat, will simply sit out the elections or indeed (again like me) will vote for a real Democrat so as to do their part to bring the point home by blocking seats to Republicans until such time as the Republican machine demonstrates that they get it.
Now some may say that I should vote Republican so as to vote for the lesser of 2 evils. To this, I say that voting for the lesser of 2 evils is voting for evil, and that indeed, the reason we have things as we do in government is because it - Evil or Evil Lite - is still Evil.
Wish that I would that every person that voted for McCain but were doing so because McCain represented the lesser of 2 evils would have sat out the election. Now THAT would have been a real eye-opener and perhaps would jolt the Republican machine into realizing that that most Republicans were not voting for "their" man, but instead were simply voting against the other guy and realizing that if a stray dog had been posted against Obama then the stray dog would have gotten pretty much the same Republican vote counts. Such a resounding defeat would have sent shock waves through the Republican machine and indeed properly, and well deservedly, run its train off the rails so that another better train, more in line with the ideas of liberty and freedom, could be built to take its place.
As it is now though, no such derailment has occurred and the Republican machine actually chugs along thinking that they speak for those that voted McCain and that the mind of the machine represents the mind of the conservative base. It Doesn't.
For the people, there is a danger in all this however, because if the Republican machine can post a slightly better candidate than the Democrats, then there will be no derailment and that slightly better candidate will swing the election and the Congress to Republican control, but still perpetuate the same corruption in government that both party machines are giving us now - only this time it will be branded Republican instead of Democrat.
Make no mistake, under the current political system, if you vote for a Republican candidate, you are voting for the Republican machine and until you force the machine to change it will simply use YOU so as to put itself, little unchanged, back into the seat of power.
Some will think that I propose a third party. I do not. What I do propose is taking over the Republican machine from within and using the political primary to do it. This is what the tea parties should try to effect. Will they be able to do it? Only time will tell.
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