Monday, January 4, 2010

No Experience Necessary

Hey, did you happen to catch Glenn Beck's show the other day? He had a graph up that showed past presidents and the percentage of each president's cabinet appointees who had previously worked in the private sector. You know, a real life business, not a government job? Remember what that is? A private business???

Here are the numbers -

Roosevelt - 38%

Taft - 40%

Wilson - 52%

Harding - 49%

Coolidge - 48%

Hoover - 42%

FDR - 50%

Truman - 50%

Eisenhower - 57%

Kennedy - 30%

LBJ - 47%

Nixon - 53%

Ford - 42%

Carter - 32%

Reagan - 56%

GHWB - 51%

Clinton - 39%

GWB - 55%

And the Winner is..........................

Obama - 8%

No wonder none of this administration's policies make any economic sense.

1 comment:

RKL said...

Wow, even with all of the idiots he's dragged out of the shadows, I never would have guessed that low.