Tuesday, June 30, 2009

US to Defeat Iran ...with Light Bulbs (aka Fiddling While Rome Burns)

We live in an age of insanity. Here we have the President of the US -- when North Korea is exporting nuclear technology and Iran is developing it, when Chavez is threatening to intervene in an explosive Honduran coup, when the economy is teetering (we are told) -- the President of the US is telling us what kind of light bulbs to buy! He says we are going to save 4 billion dollars a year. Right. And inflating our automobile tires will do away with the need to drill for more oil. Can there be anything more pathetic? Or dangerous?

Can't Obama turn his attention to grown-up matters? Our president reminds me of nothing more than an infantile fingerpainter who has no sense either of sound judgment or awareness of consequence, but lives in a world of imagination untested by reality. No, I mistake. His utopia has been tested by reality time and time again, but like a babe in diapers, he has no experience with it -- or is criminally negligent in denying it.


1 comment:

Publius said...

Does that mean that in ONLY 500 years we will be able to pay for his socialist spending binge. I mean, 4 billion x 500 is 2 trillion, right? But hey, maybe my math is wrong.