Here is Obama, giving one of his daily pronouncements, this time in Egypt:
"Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail." Found at:
Here is the commentary on this inane statement of Obama's ...
Is there no shame in this guy Obama, that he can say such things with a straight face? Any ordering of the world that does not allow that [elevation] to happen naturally will be an order that crushes liberty and crushes enterprise. The very thing that all the "less elevated" countries have is less freedom. And it seems a little naive to think that you, Mr Obama, can alter the world order, except by making the united States a ward of your new order where we all live in shared poverty and misery.
Want to bring this into focus? Apply the same maxim to individuals. Yep, that's what Obama is trying to do to us -- make sure no one has any more than anyone else, by taking away from some who have rightfully earned more, and give that excess to others who have not. Of course the decision as to what constitutes too much will be made on careful reflection while jetting to NY so as to attend dinner and a play all while talking about how America is arrogant. Ah yes, indeed it is true that "All Pigs Are Equal... Except that Some Pigs are More Equal Than Others."
By the way, Barak Hussein Obama, you are not the president of the world. Of course, I can see how you might think you are, since you identified yourself as a citizen of the world, not the United States. You sir, are instead, a sociopath of sorts, who just like Ted Bundy was all smiles and sincerity ....... up till the moment his victim was irrevocably ensnared.
It's finally clear to me -- Obama, you do not want America to be great. To you, any greatness is oppression, any advantage is wrong per se. I had not wanted to believe this of you, but I cannot deny it now. You are angry and have a chip on your shoulder - (In some places they call this "having a bug up your ass")
You simply do not understand that America is economically and politically influential (and is great), not because of oppression, but because of freedom and its founding values.
1 comment:
That comment ought to bring on an impeachment trial. But I forgot, he's going to heal the divisions of the world. He's going to make them not hate us so much. He's going to fix it all.
Yeah right.
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