Guest Contribution
~ by Eric Meyer
Hello Friends,
Ten years ago I spent a few days in Berlin, Germany. In many areas, portions of the Berlin wall still stand marking the line that once divided Socialism from freedom. Erected in 1961, the wall was socialist Russia’s way of keeping their captive citizens from escaping to the free West Germany.
The Berlin wall stood for 28 years, until 1989 when portions of it were knocked down. The following year, East and West were legally united.
While the still standing sections of the Berlin wall are a reminder of Germany’s darker days, there are other reminders as well. When traveling through the areas once controlled by Socialist Russia it is impossible to avoid scenes of death and destruction. Some of East Berlin’s buildings, streets, homes, and infrastructure which were damaged or in some cased destroyed during World War II, were left in that condition by the Socialist government for 50 plus years.
These relics of the past are today’s reminders that Socialist governments do not function for the good of the people despite the Socialist politicians best efforts to convince citizens otherwise.
Today, Obama and his Socialist followers (primarily democrats) seek to repeat the evident failures of Socialist controlled East Berlin and Socialist Russia.
Never has there been a Socialist government which has delivered to its citizen’s greater financial prosperity, better health, more freedom, or safety. In fact, the historical record indicates that in all of these areas, the opposite is true.
One of Obama’s many goals is to convert our freedom of choice healthcare system to one which will be controlled by the federal government. To the uneducated masses, this sounds like a good thing. However, I ask this simple question, “Has there ever been a government social program which has worked as promised, work efficiently, or saved money?” The answer of course is not just “no”, but “HELL NO.”
Socialized Healthcare is the equivalent of a new Berlin Wall which will force higher taxes on those who work, limit the patient’s option to choose their physician or treatment plan, slow down research and development of new cures, dissuade students from studying medicine thus lowering the number of doctors, and discourage capital investment in healthcare.
If we are to save the world’s best healthcare system from Socialist ruin, we must act quickly. We must understand the implications of “Change” and work to educate others.
Keith Hennessey provides a well written list itemizing the details of the proposed Socialist healthcare program.
I encourage you to view the list on Keith’s website and to also encourage as many of your friends as possible to do the same. If not for us, but for our children and grandchildren, we must save America from the disasters of Socialism.
Eric Meyer
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