Monday, June 8, 2009

Obama Encourages Muslim Pilot Training

"On education, we will expand exchange programs, and increase scholarships, like the one that brought my father to America. At the same time, we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities. And we will match promising Muslim students with internships in America; invest in online learning for teachers and children around the world; and create a new online network, so a young person in Kansas can communicate instantly with a young person in Cairo." ~ Obama on his World Apology Tour 6/2009

Couple points here

#1 - Oh, yeah, we and Britain have had such great success with Muslim students ... especially training them to fly jetliners and read subway and bus schedules.

#2 - No Thanks. I do not think we need to bring any more people over like your father so that they can impregnate our citizens and then leave the mother and the taxpayer holding the bag, after you head back to Africa

#3 - Great- Just what we need, a jihadist in Kansas City being able to communicate instantly (think atomic bomb flash kind of instantaneously) with a young person (aka jihadist terrorist) in Cairo!

#4 - I do not want nor do I need any "exchange" - except my money for their oil. We have done just fine for 200 years or more without such "exchange"as Obama speaks of. In this vein, I have an absolute right to refuse entry of whomever I like into my house (aka my country). Sheesh - even this concept is known by Arabs and that is why they do not say to all the Baptists, Catholics, "Sure, Come on Over"

#5 - On ".... we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities". Didn't that Walker guy, you know, the one we found embedded with the Taliban, train in Muslim Country?

#6 - On "... match[ing] promising Muslim students with internships in America". What, now we are gonna have Affirmative Action for Muslims?


Anonymous said...

Sure -- let's create some more enclaves like the one in Minneapolic that nurtures the poor Yemenis until they can go back to be trained as a jihadist.

Or let's create more customers for sharia law-compatible financial products like AIG has been selling.

Publius said...

Thanks for that info and the link - incredulous

Anonymous said...

More Democrat voters, more clients for ACORN, more money for Obama re-election campaign