Friday, May 15, 2009

How Did It Get Like This?

Rush Limbaugh just finished asking the radio audience something along the lines of "How can it be that it has gotten to this point. " (The government involvement in health care and everything else.)

The short answer: Rush, it has gotten this way because the vast bulk of the people want it this way.

And when I say "the people", I do not mean commie-pinko-Russian flag-waving nut jobs. I mean the bulk of the American people. This includes Democrats and Republicans of almost all stripes.

You heard it here first folks: Obama will have a 2d term. So, then, go ahead and sip your sissy-man triple super latte as you watch the next 25 years of destruction of the country. And go ahead and vote for that "other guy' because you think he is different that those evil "other guys".

Folks, Statism is Statism - whether it comes from a Democrat, or whether it comes from somebody calling themselves a Republican, for both are for big government, just big government for different purposes.

To prove the point, try this test. Tell a Republican that we need to do away with the income tax, they will say "But what about...."; Ask a Republican how they would feel if the Chinese Navy decided to run naval war games in the Gulf of Mexico and point out the parallel to US ships in the Indian Ocean or the Gulf of Arabia and they will say "But what about...." ; Tell a Republican that the American citizen should not be taxed to send money to Africa or elsewhere and they will say "But what about...."; Tell a Republican that people should pay for their own health care and not expect the governement to chip in one dime, and they will protest "But what about...." ; Tell a Republican that when their parents get old and they have to put them in a nursing home at $40k/year, that they should themselves be responsible for the cost, and they will say "But what about...." and proceed to tell you that it is just "too expensive" for them to pay, and that THE STATE should "help them out".

Go ahead. Just try it and you will find out exactly why we are in the situation that we are in.


RKL said...

Good point.....

Publius said...

RKL - You are one of the few readers so far that seems to get what I am saying throughout my blog.

I started up the blog because I was frustrated and needed an outlet, and I wanted to judge the "mood of the people" and it was thru the blog posts and my discussions of some of the ideas with my non-democrat voting friends that I came to truly understand the thought contained in this particular post that the great mass of the people are OK with this stuff and that they want it.I have read, of course, the AJ Nock stuff and the Herbert Spencer works, Rand, etc, about government being nothing more than one group trying to hijack the political machinery to shunt wealth to their side, and that therefore It Is Not Left vs right but the STATE vs You, but I thought when I started the blog that the non-democrats would understand this on an intellectual level once it was pointed out to them, and truly understand that there needs to be a fundamental house cleaning from both sides of the aisle.

Much to my disappointment, however, they do not, because it is too pleasant the way things are.

Sure they rail against "those Democrats", but anytime you indicate blame or fundamental defect on the "Republican" side (as I have done with my posts concerning our TX Republican Senators. etc)they close ranks as Republican robots and start with the "But what about..." line. They simply will not see yet that their side is Statist just as is the other side, and of course, try to deflect addressing of the issue by saying that the Democrats and Obama are MORE Statist - as if that makes it OK for the Republicans to be in on the take too!

As Mark Steyn said, [paraphrasing] " ...decline does not have to be ugly and accompanied with chaos, and indeed, it can be a pleasant experience." So sad isn't it that the decline is happening? I know that TJ said "Ignorance is a soft pillow upon which to rest ones head" and sometimes I wish I was ignorant but for some reason I am not to that point yet. Maybe as I get more advanced in years as was TJ when he made this statement, I will be able to lie down and let others finish the fight.

Still though, I am young (53) enough to feel that I am living in a society where everybody is eating the soma.

Anyway - Thanks for your support. Maybe someday there will be enough support down here in Congressional District 21 to remove Smith from office.

BTW do you have an email me link on your site? I looked all over and did not see it.

RKL said...

I think we've read many of the same books and have gone through a similar thought process on many of these issues. I started my blog for the same reasons you mention. If you note, my early blogs were by design very blameless as far as saying the democrats or republicans suck etc. I guess I was under the misconception that people actually find blogs. (Google has a shitty blog search pardon my English.) At that time, I would say that politicians suck or whatever. That spirit has eroded over the last couple of months not because I've learned anything that I didn't know about Democrats but that I just am not that disciplined perhaps. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you totally that Republicans are failing the citizens of our state and our country. The only issue is the degree of failure (and level of tyranny) if you want to compare the democrat and republican of today. Should the call of the citizens of the state of Texas be to secede from the Union, and if those making the calls were to desire a return to the principles handed down by the founding fathers of this nation by the constitution that they created, you can be certain that I would be on the front line.


P.S. I don't have an email link, I'll look into adding it.

Publius said...

You say The only issue is the degree of failure (and level of tyranny) if you want to compare the democrat and republican of today. Yup, and I guess the thing that really makes me despondent about "my tribe" is that the Republican man or woman on the street, does NOT get what you and I are saying about how the Republicans as a party, and pretty much as individual people, have fallen into the Statist and collectivist trap and they simply do not even grasp the idea that it makes one none the less a robber because they stole less than the other guy stole. They actually think that "their side" is OK - because they are less of a robber than the other side.

My daughter, poor thing that she is, having been educated in a system that is constantly assaulting our children with the collectivist, PC, Help the Homeless crap, asked me why I am so "harsh" about some of the views in my blog, for example my article titled "Powerful, Oh Really Now". I explained to her that one toe on the slippery slope of "aid and help to those that need it", devolves into a question of WHO it is that gets to define "need" and who it is that gets to determine that I am the one that has to give it. This then points out that generally it is the other people that think I should "give back" and then they try to harness the power of the STATE to take it from me so that they can "give".

Thus it is that one toe on the slope of the idea of societal aid and help, amounts to having both feet on the ice and pointing straight downhill to "the collective".

I tell her then that this knowledge of where the idea of "societal help" leads is the reason why my profile says the things it says. It has to, for to think ANY way other than that which I state there is to buy into the collective, "it takes a village" crap. Thus it is that one of my articles was something along the lines of "If YOU what to be concerned about "the homeless" do it with YOUR money, not mine."

Yes, I voted for Bush - before my full awakening. And, yes I pet "stray dogs", but I do not include that on my job applications because that is between ME and the dog and I am not looking for any props.

Publius said...

Nor do I demand that others pet stray dogs; nor do I try to use the power of the STATE to require everybody to pet stray dogs; nor do I try tho use the Power of the STATE to take money from other people so that "we" [ ahhh, there's that collective thing]can hire a dog "rounder-upper" to bring the dogs to me so that I can pet them and make myself feel even more better.

RKL said...

Yeah well I really had to hold my nose when I voted for McCain. But I knew that Obama would be far worse. Truthfully I didn't think it would be quite this bad so fast but it is what it is.

When you consider the current pop culture, the media, the government education system, the liberalized speech code ruled college system, I think we're in for a bad ride unless something enormous happens to shake things up.


Publius said...

You say ....I think we're in for a bad ride unless something enormous happens to shake things up.I so agree with you. I read that Voltaire said that “The only thing more powerful than a thousand armies is an idea whose time has come.”This then is my struggle - to know if the ideas on our blogs are ideas whose time has come. I am beginning to think that we may be too early, and that it will have to get worse - likely a lot worse -for the time to match the idea so that the ideas will catch on.

RKL said...

If you haven't been to this site, it's worth checking out. I've been following it for about five years.

The link here is the first part of an ongoing series. It's a very long but interesting read.

Plus check out the articles by the poster known as "Fjordman".


Publius said...

Have just read the first few lines of the site and I pause to thank you for pointing it out.