Thursday, May 14, 2009

Duplicity and the CIA

From time to time we receive letters from other concerned citizens and we print them here. Here is one that was received from Cato.

The Set-Up
May 13, 2009 – Recently, the CIA testified to Congress on the interrogation techniques the CIA uses - waterboarding, keeping cell temperatures at 72 degrees instead of 73, you know - things like that. In the briefing, and under the questioning that was clearly meant to excoriate the CIA for their practices, the CIA pointed out that various members of Congress attended briefings on these procedures prior to their being implemented , and,in a surprise move, the CIA has had the gall to do a McCain - i.e., name names.

Now, the Democrats, seen with their hands in the cookie jar of being active and knowing participants in the very thing that they previously were excoriating the earlier administration about, have their panties in a wad, and Democrats charged Tuesday that the CIA has released documents about congressional briefings on harsh interrogation techniques in order to deflect attention and blame away from itself. Read more blah, blah at :

The Commentary
Oh, boo hoo, you noble collectivists (aka liberals)! If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. You all danced in the streets when, during the Bush Administration, you succeeded in making the CIA release details of secret prisons, communications intercept programs, etc., even though it started riots, cost American lives and shredded our credibility with our foreign partners.

Such a party you had, because, after all, such disclosure furthered the agenda you had against the then current administration. But, now though,when the CIA releases information that exposes YOU and your duplicity and involvement – with the effect to correct the distorting lies you tell – you again get your panties all in a wad!

What is is with you people? Are your diapers always full? What do you mean, “ deflect attention and blame”? You were in on the matter and the CIA cannot be “shifting responsibility” as you later state in the above mentioned article.

If anything is wrong, it is your Democratic congressmen and women's feigned ignorance of what was going on, and your lying about being present at those briefings, and the CIA’s action does nothing more than place responsibility where it should be, and expose the truth that Nancy Pelosi, and others, that are now trying to skewer the CIA for "torture", were knowledgeable that those very procedures would be used!

~ Cato

(Rear Reader, do NOT take this to mean that Seneca is a Bush lover. Bush or Obama - SSDD)

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