Friday, May 15, 2009

America - Land of the Free?

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny. Thomas Jefferson

Thus it is then that we now have in these United States the following:

car czar
energy czar
health czar
education czar
welfare czar
drug czar
food czar
security czar
finance czar
etc, ad nauseaum...

Plus all the assorted "Wars on This or That"

Am I the only one that is appalled at the fact that in these United States we have the existence of these departments, and, am I the only one that is appalled, and indeed frightened, that the term "czar" is so universally used in conjunction with discussions of them?

To me, the very fact,

a) that these positions exist,
b) that they are called "czars",
c) that "the people" are not appalled by the existence of these entities, and,
d) that the people, doubly, are not appalled at the use of the term "czar" in connection with them,

is proof of the tyranny that has spread, like a cancer, through these States. States, I might add, that united so as to overcome what was billed then as the tyranny of King George and the intrusion of his government into every aspect to the lives of the colonists.

Furthermore, I pause to point out the most Orwellian of terms "Homeland Security", the indifference of the people to both the existence of such an apparatus, and an indifference to the use of such appellation, indicating to me that the only thing necessary to complete the conversion to the collectivist despotism is the speaking of Russian.

Next thing you know we will have Bill O'Riley talking about how the government needs to "... do something about the economy". But wait ... that has already happened!


PS - No, my dear reader - "the economy" is not the function of the Federal Government, and those of you that buy into such pap may as well enroll in Russian language class, for it is exactly that kind of uncritical thinking that leads to a government system that controls everything you do.

1 comment:

RKL said...

I'm with you, I think we are on the tipping point here. Either we push back toward the founding principle of this country or we will tip forever toward socialism.