Monday, April 20, 2009

Pirates Respond to "Attitude Adjustment"

"The pirates attacked the MV Front Ardenne late on Saturday but fled after crew alerted warships in the area. The pirates fled in their small skiff and were pursued by ship and helicopter for hours but only stopped after repeated warning shots were fired."

Sheeesh - "Warning Shots" instead of Deadly Force?????

So, the first neural network "training" that the pirates got over the last several years was that they could take people hostage and get a ransom for them with no retaliation from the victims - or from the nations to which they belong.

Result - Continued Hostage Taking & More Piracy

The 2d "training" was the weakness shown by the US as for days they "negotiated" instead of implementing the time honored "British Solution".

Result - Pirates getting positive propagation of the idea that the civilized world was weak and spineless.

The 3d training to the pirate neural network happened when some US Military "attitude adjustment" bullets reconfigured some some neurons.

Result - Fear of Additional Attitude Adjustment

The 4th training now comes when the nation-state, instead of dispatching the pirates forthwith (the British Solution), and reinforcing the idea that the world navy nations (the US in particular) are not going to take crap from a bunch of pirates, instead revert to weakness and "pursue and fire warning shots", and thereafter turn the pirates over to "the authorities"!!

Predicted Result - Continued piracy with little abatement, and reinforcement in the pirates' neural net that the United States and the modern nation-states are weak and afraid of asserting themselves.

Update - 4/21/09 - Now we learn that the Somali pirate that was not killed has been taken into US custody by the FBI [and has been brought to the US]. Just freaking great! Mark my word, this will set the stage for pirates now being treated as common criminals instead of as entities thru their acts of attempted piracy are making war on the United States. This then, in conjunction with Gitmo, will result in 50 years in all POW's being reclassified as "criminals" and their entry in to the civil justice system of the United States with all its protections and a release of those that made war on the United States because they were not Mirandized on the battlefield and because we cannot prove our case that they were shooting at our people.

There is a reason why the earlier nation-states took the stance they did on piracy. So as to eliminate these sorts of "problems".

All of this brought to you courtesy of those "touchy-feely folks that think that chicken comes from the grocery store, and can't go to the place where chicken really comes from .. because they can't take the truth.


Anonymous said...

But at least the pirates fled forthwith on the very news that the military was coming. Perhaps the training was undone, but it shows that pirates DO respond to aggressive force! Now we just need to keep it up. Bush would have done so, I'll bet. As Uday said to his brother, "This isn't like 1991 -- the US means business this time." A sort time later he was history.

Publius said...

~ anon

You said "....but it shows that pirates DO respond to aggressive force! Now we just need to keep it up."Amen bro. They indeed did get THAT message that there may be some aggressive force - and I think that indeed that possibility [that there may be some bullets with their names on them) will be going thru their minds as they head out for their next "meal" ... aka ship.

Of course, if it (.223 cal) had happened the first and second time then there wound be no "possibility" ... but certainty.

Anyway, as you said, we just need to keep it up. I hope 'we" have the resolve to do that.