Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The United Nations

Every time there is some kind of happening (aka crisis) in some remote part of the world, I hear the talking heads intoning about the United Nations, or the Word Court, or the IMF etc.

For those of us old enough to remember ... "Danger, Will Robinson .....Danger".

Our WORST nightmare (and it is coming) is that the UN will get its own "Standing Army". Now, it will not be called this, it will be called something like "coalition forces" or "peacekeeping", etc.

Initially the enforcers will come from the various member Nations and they will all wear their own country's uniform. Next, it will progress to them all wearing something distinctive and unifying - such as a blue helmet. At first, the command and control will be under a commander associated with one of the nation-state partners.

Thereafter, the idea will be floated that it would be more efficient if there was a unified world peace police, under the aegis of the UN - that the UN needs its own independent military.

This will all come to pass, and just as the States ceded their sovereignty and their ability to raise their own Armies, so too will the United States cede its ability. In the end, so as the States are now in relation to the United States, the United States will be in relation to the United Nations.

This has all happened before, in 1786 when the States were usurped at the 2d American Revolution, and in 1789 when the push was made and implemented for a standing army drawing its officer Corps from the individual States into a Federal body where their allegiance would be broken to the (their) State ..... and be transplanted to THE STATE.

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