April 16, 2009
When I heard Santelli's rant and his idea of a tea party in Chicago, I remarked to my wife that I would go to something like that, as it was about time that people spoke out about the craziness that has infected BOTH the Republican and Democrats.
Little did I know that it would become a movement and that we would end up going to the one in San Antonio. On hearing that Glenn Beck was going to come, we made our contribution to the fund raiser and got to see the man up close. He is just as he seems on the show - passionate, lover of his country and lover of a Republican form of Representative Government whose hands are tied by the Constitution and where those that are elected continue to represent the American Way as opposed to the Beltway-Way.
I include pictures.
Looks like you guys had a great turnout. Can you give an estimated turnout?
It was all in front of the Alamo and then in the Street across the median. I guess, based on football games that it was 5000-7000?? About a football field full of mass .... 300x100ft = 30000sf/3sf/person= 10,000 ..... then divide by 2 for grins and that gets about 5,000. My understanding was that there was overflow into the Hemisfair Plaza but can't say I was over there.
Anyway, you should have heard the sound of the crowd. We were angry about Bush and his Imperial Presidency .... and we were angry about Obama and his continuation o the same. The point was NOT about Dem or Republican (except to the extent that they both are Statist Machines)out to just aggrandize power to the Federal head. It was NOT about Populism. It was about restoring the Federal Government to it's proper and limited role. I just hope that the mainstream Republicans (and country loving democrats) see that THIS is the one issue that should be seized upon .. to take the next election and then work to limit that which the Federal Government has under its wing.
I do not know if that can happen because Republican voters are as pig-headed as the Democratic ones. For example, even though Republicans Cornyn, Hutchison, and Congressman Lamar Smith voted FOR the first TARP my dinnermates only wanted to talk about Democrats as if only the Republicans were in charge, then all would be OK. Clueless.
Anyway, the rally for Freedom was GREAT.
Ours was rather small by comparison.
I know what you mean about the big spending Republicans. They went way off course during the Bush presidency and now how can they be trusted? The Federal Government needs to have it's powers scaled back to those enumerated in the Constitution. It's nice to see that some people understand that. Hopefully more and more will soon.
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