October 1, 2008
Senator Cornyn,
Subject: Bailout/Help/Assistance
Hell No - Vote No
I am a businessman in San Antonio and the time is NOW for the chickens to come home to roost from their feeding frenzy in the pasture of 15 years of credit expansion.
I, too, have money in stocks and if they crater, big deal. And, if it is a big deal - big deal. I took the risk, and it was speculation on my part, but my loss is not a reason for me to want, or be allowed to, pass that to you or others. America is supposed to be about earning your own keep and not about expecting others to earn theirs - and yours too.
So then, I urge you to quit listening to the talking heads whether they be on FOX or CNN. It is not about jobs. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the Federal Government is provide me a job, or a cheap house, or "manage the economy". Only in Statist countries is this part of the government ... it is called Fascism or Socialism, or some other 'ism, ..... but certainly not capitalism.
It is not about saving the economy - the economy is trying to save itself by destroying that which should be destroyed. Get out of the way.
It is not about saving mortgages and mortgage bankers- they took a risk. Get out of the way.
It is not about saving the working man - they too took the risk when they put everything under the sun on their credit card, and bought a $150,000 house when they should have stayed renting. Get out of the way.
It is not about ME - or saving me. Get out of the way.
Summary - Time now to pay. Credit contraction will be a benefit in the long run, for it weeds out the weak, and acts to point out bad decisions that do not comport with the reality of things. Get out of the way.
Want to know how he voted and how my representative voted and how the other Texas Senator voted??? Hummmm.....take a wild guess.
And "they" (the RNC) wonder why McCain did not get elected.
He'll vote no, I actually like Cornyn. Now our other senator seems a little too busy with other concerns. I'm not happy about that.
So we would have thought.
This guy voted YES to the October 2008 $700 billion in 3 days TARP.
So did Lamar Smith and KB Hutchison.
They are all part of the system that Nock talks about. Indeed this vote was the straw that broke my back and caused me to ceate the blog.
My post "Freedom, the Government, and YOU" was written after my letters were sent to Smith, Cornyn, and Hutchison, and after I got some blather from Smith about stampeding cattle and turning the herd.
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