Friday, February 27, 2009

Powerful - Oh, Really Now

To corrupt thought you must first corrupt the language. Once the language becomes corrupt you can then mainline any drug you want to push.
~ Seneca 2009 AD

You are Powerful?

Because you live in a mud hut, is this how you are powerful?

Because the society in which you live has not, in the 2000 years it has been around, been able to create a societal system such that you can live in something other than a mud hut?

Because your country is ridden by disease, poverty, starvation, warfare, illiteracy, tribal fighting where your brothers and sisters are hacked to death in the still of the night by machetes,
and a host of other things indicative of the very lack of power?

Because you have your picture posted as part of a campaign for others to send you money?

Yeah, Right. You Are "Powerful".

To corrupt thought you must first corrupt the language. Once the language becomes corrupt you can then mainline any drug you want to push.
~ Seneca 2009 AD


Gustavo Kasai said...

It is all made in Photoshop, actually.

Your texts are actually interesting me a lot lately too, since i´m starting a documentary on consumming habits and its consequences.

RKL said...

That's the flaw of this "multiculturalism" that's being pushed by liberals. All cultures are supposedly equal. That is ridiculous and only fools buy into that kind of logic.


Publius said...

Yes, you are right. It indeed is the flaw. Thanks for being at least one person out there that also gets it. I guess that I just had enough of seeing this kind of stuff and being exposed to it - and seeing others being exposed to it via the media machine that I started this blog. In addition, I had to do something because it was the only way I could keep my mind straight. With the people not being able to connect the dots of cause and effect, I fear for our country.

I knew we were toast when I heard George Bush in one of the State of the Union addresses talk about all the aid he was going to send to Africa. What, we don't have enough starving babies here, and have you not understood the admonitions of the founders about minding you neighbor's business?

AJ Nock and Herbert Spencer and Hayek understood. So do a few of us at least. Too bad it is going to take a meltdown before others come around.

You are a bit younger than I am, but I tell you as I was told by somebody else that we in our generation have lived in the best days of America.

RKL said...

I fear the same, I think the glory days of the American dream are behind us. I think all that is left is a weathered part of what once was the greatest nation ever known in the history of man. Without a return to family core values and a massive repudiation of the sickness of our current culture, all that we love and revere will be lost. If I were a better man, I'd pull tight on the reigns and put a stop all of that's wrong. But I'm just a normal guy.