Now, those that know me know that I do not work for Rearden Steel - and those that really know me know that indeed in a way I do.
I especially like getting this question from the young people who are clueless about the past and therefore about the present, and , if I am lucky, and one of these seems a likely candidate for rehabilitation, I proceed to ask them they have ever heard of Hank Rearden. If they say that they have not, then I tell them:
"Hank Rearden was a fellow that believed that the money he earned belonged to him, and not to you".
When their eyes go big, and if I sense a glimmer of intelligence, I bring it home to them by asking, direct to their face, as they are standing there handing me my triple grande venti vanilla mocha Frappuccino sissy-boy drink:
"You have a job, right?"
"You work hard at your job and earn money, right?"
"You do not think that the money you earn belongs to me, right?"
Seeing in their eyes the beginnings of understanding, I then close the deal by telling them:
"Ah, I can see that you are getting it. OK - Hank Rearden was a fellow that believed that the money that YOU earn belongs to YOU, not him, or anybody else, and especially not to the government so that they could go out after confiscating it from you to give to some lazy bum on the street that did not want to work to earn it."
With that, they give me my drink. Another one saved!
~ PS - Blame this one on my friend Rick - he made me do it.
What are the properties of the Reardon Metal? Should I ask John Galt or Dagny Taggart?
It's always nice to find someone else who has read Atlas....
Good One! Not too many of us out there I'm afraid. Just too easy these days to be a second-hander and live off what the creators have produced.
As to the properties.. that is an Ancient Chinese Secret - Maybe they call that kind of stuff ... intellectual "PROPERTY"
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