Now, do not think that he was oblivious. He knew perfectly well what he was doing. Especially as he had to pull the chair from the table across the aisle, and then, into the aisle, and, as he looked up from time to time and saw people snaking around his sorry ass.
Psychologists have a term for this - it is called "passive aggressive", you know like when you are walking down the sidewalk 4 ft wide (and of course, being NOT raised up in a barn, you are walking to the right side), and approaching you are 2 "youts" walking side by side taking up the entire sidewalk. They see you, you see them. You shift to the right indicating that you see them them - they keep walking abreast (and yes, you are in their vision field), but with NO subtle shift to indicate that they see you and thus indicate a forthcoming compensation and queing up on their part .... and expecting YOU to give them the whole freaking sidewalk by stepping off to the side.
Well, after having this happen a few times, and after discerning that the frequency of such rudeness was increasing, guess what? I don't move either. Why? Because I know they indeed see me. Thus it is that I keep going straight ahead. Men, women, children walking abreast on sidewalks, or in grocery stores, if your parents won't teach you manners then here is some pushback for you. My arms are strong and if you need a body block to teach you some freaking manners and that this world is not "all about you", then here is your schoolmaster. Thus, if you see me and you make no compensating indica after I have done my initial movement, then neither will I. Nor will I turn sideways for you to pass. HINT: This world is about cooperation and getting along. On the sidewalk, and in life, you are supposed to que up so everybody has space enough. And parents, if you let you little pukes run down the aisle in the grocery store, then they better not run into my path cause I ain't moving aside. Here is a parting tip for you - If you are wondering why your kids show no respect for you, it is because you have taught them that it is all about them by your having never taught them respect for others.

Oh yeah - and here is how he left things....
That's right buddy...it's all about YOU, you MORON. Put the chair back where you got it from.
The dude is here again. Unfreaking believable - how long before I have a conversation with him about his boneheadedness? What do the readers think? What would you do?
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