Sunday, February 7, 2010

Republican Primary News - A Refreshing Choice

To all my political colleagues and friends,

I was flipping channels the other day and by chance stopped on the channel that was airing a debate between the candidates that are posted for the March Republican Primary.

On the left side was "Bailout Kay" Hutchison (R), currently serving in Washington DC as one of our Senators, and now wanting to bring her big government experience to shackle us Texans.

On the other side was Rick Perry talking his brand of government-speak and wanting to bring more of his brand of professional politicking back for a 3d term.

In the middle sat Debra Medina. I had never heard of her and figured that, once again, I was going to hear another one of those non-debate debates. You know, the kind where the candidates are asked all sorts of pre-prepared questions, to which they never give any real answer other that the bromides and platitudes that mean nothing for certain.

Sure enough, when Hutchison spoke it was more of the same of the scripted government-speak that we have heard coming out of Washington for years. When Perry spoke, it was the same. Then came Medina and I was astounded that I was hearing direct answers to the questions, and answers that were in plain English, not that political ambigu-speak usually uttered by those seeking or holding office.

Illegals - kick them out

Guns - Federal government needs to step aside and start living the 2d Amendment

Spending - Stop/Restrict

Welfare - Not governments job to make sure you have a job

Property taxes - Get rid of them as they are an oppression against private property

Sales taxes - Stop all the exemptions and raise money money in that manner thru sales taxes

Debt Control - Stop all the politically correct entitlement spending

FINALLY somebody that represents MY values.

After hearing her, I did a Google and find that she is the real deal.

I endorse Medina in the March Primary - the election that will determine who will be posted in the Republican side and I ask you to support her too.

If like me, you have felt that your voice is not heard and that the politicians, including the Republican Party, are out of touch with you, then voting in this primary is a way to change things, for it is ONLY thru the Primary Process that the Republican Party can be morphed into something that represents YOU instead of "The Machine".

Right now both party machines are ignoring candidates like Medina because candidates like her ( & Palin) are seen as a threat to the existing power structure of the machine, although in Mass., we saw that a "regular guy" (Scott Brown) is what the people want.

Make no mistake my friends, the purpose of the Democrat Machine and the Republican Machine is to perpetuate the existence of the machine NOT to make sure that your voice is heard.

There is only one way to correct this and it is not in the general election - it is in the Primary Elections and electing Medina in the Primary as the one that will have to be posted as the November Republican candidate will send a clear message to the Republican Party of Texas that a change is a'coming where the people demand real candidates and a real Republican party instead of what it now represents which is Democrat-Lite.

Here is the link to her website for more information.

Here is some video:

More can be found on YouTube

I ask you to send YOUR message by voting for Debra Medina in the March Republican Primary. How you vote there will let the Party know what you might be thinking in the 2010 & 2012 National elections and let them know that there are more of you than they think.


RKL said...

What do you think her chances of winning are? It doesn't look like she has much experience.

I know you and I disagree here, but given two choices, I'll take the lesser of two evils. To me that means Perry.


Publius said...

I think it is OK to disagree - I think that on the big picture there is enough congruence in our various positions.

As for me, I want an office holder that is a citizen and has values that reflect me, not one that has "experience". Too many of them have "experience" Obama has experience. really he does.

It is the experiences that I want to know about. Now those are what make a man or a woman.

On the chances for Medina - I sent the blog item out first as an email to colleagues and the positive response was electrifying. I thought the response was going to be so-so but it was way beyond that.

On the evil thing - How about going ahead and vote Medina in the Primary and then if Perry or Hutch is the candidate at that time vote evil-lite?

I may vote "regular evil". The Republican Party, a Party that has abandoned me, may get the picture if there are more of us that do that. For example, if it is close in the primary, then that too may send a message, if the machine is savvy enough to notice what that means.

Yeah - I think Perry too is the lesser of the Hutchison Perry choice.