Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Silver Lining


Read the entire article that you sent me and actually I am heartened because if you read carefully you see that in addition to regular societal programs being cut, that the social do-gooder programs are starting to be cut too.

Indeed, the regular programs that are being cut, like that police and fire department cut that "resulted" is some deaths, is a good thing because it forces the issue and eventually make the people mad enough to get their heads out of the fucking sand and adopt the view that these lazy leeches on society should be left to their own and that government has no business in "looking out" for them. That was the entire point of Ayn Rand in her novels - that this altruism is simply unsustainable.

As an example of inappropriate "looking after", I read in this mornings paper that the so bums downtown are pissed off that the shelters are feeding them cold cut sandwiches. Here they are, supposedly starving, and yet they boycott the free food and essentially are all pissed off that I do not dignify the sanctity of their need by paying to have Lubys Cafeteria come down with a 5 course hot meal for them.

My assessment - cut off ALL food and shelter to these lazy fuckers and let them either starve or get some kind of job. I see them every day with their stupid signs, "Homeless Vet Needs Money" ... NEVER an offer to wash my windshield or shine my shoes. Talk about an entitlement society. Sheesh, even the bums are demanding their "entitlement." And these so called Viet Nam Vets are in their 50's - Way to young to be a Vietnam Vet.

Country is on fire and nobody cares. Makes you want to go live on a mountain top, drink some scotch, and eat BBQ.
~Claudius Valerian

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