6/21/2010 - Correction - The 2.5 million gallons/day is a cube that is about... wait for it .... 70 x 70 x70 ... feet. Amazing what some simple napkin math reveals.
Today's headline reads
As oil spews in Gulf, BP chief at UK yacht race
Now, I for one, don't see why anybody would have a problem with this, because after all, that sort of thing is what Obama would have done. Remember when he and his ilk were telling us about how the country was melting down that he and his wife flew off to have their private night on the town costing us taxpayers millions of dollars?
I remember, and I do not recall any of the state run media getting their panties in a wad over that Obama display of bad form.
BTW all the daily oil "gushing" out of that well can fit into a cube measuring about ...... 150' x 150' x 150' - peanuts I say, the proof of which can be seen as the news commentator intones with saddened face how he walked along the oil coated beach and saw, wait for it ...... 10 pelicans coated in oil!
Not to put too fine a point on things, there are more people killed in car crashes every day in practically any state in the union than there are dead freaking birds because of the BP oil spill - no big daily news story over that.
Every day there are more cats run over by cars on residential streets than there are dead pelicans for the BP oil spill - no big daily news story over that.
Lunacy - the entire world seems to have become mired in the greasy slick of simply unsustainable political correctness ... at least so says this heartless bastard.
6/21/2010 Update
Latest Blog Photo showing enviromental balance and health of marsh grasses that have a damage ratio of oil stained to unaffected of approximately .0000000000000000000000000000000000000001%
Call out the National Guard
Photo showing seagulls communicating with each other to stay the hell away from that black stuff and telling each other that there is 18,000,0000,0000,000,000,000 acres of green stuff to nest and fly over.
Good Grief - Give Me a Break - So Says Heartless Bastard
1 comment:
Not to worry, you are not the only heartless bastard out there.
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