Thursday, April 29, 2010

US Military to be Used as Camel's Nose

From the news this morning..

NEW ORLEANS – A massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is even worse than believed and as the government grows concerned that the rig's operator is ill-equipped to contain it, officials are offering a military response to try to avert a massive environmental disaster along the ecologically fragile U.S. coastline.

Ah, yes. And the next thing is that, under the precedent set by such action,  they will then be used to do traffic control, meals on wheels delivery service, crowd control at the local football games, parking lot security, IRS collections activity, census canvassing, law enforcement, hurricane assistance, etc. I think you get the idea.

Brings to mind that around 1939 one of those countries over in Europe had a military arm that did such things.

Folks, the American military is designed to do one thing, kill people in times of war, and to project to potential aggressors the ability and willingness to do just that. It is not for any of these feel-good missions.

There is a reason for this. First, the killing part is self explanatory. Second, that its activities are limited [to killing and power projection] is because expansion beyond the activities of killing and power projection gets in the way of the first responsibility.[killing and power projection] This interference is caused by diverting resources which spreads the military too thin, and by changing the mindset of the military which induces the members to a soft state of mind and induces them to think that they can engage in other activities dictated by whatever King is in power at the time. Once so accustomed to performing  "other activities", such as traffic control in Bosnia or handing out food in Rwanda, it is but a short journey to bringing those activities onto American soil - the end game of course being to use the military as an arm of the King or enforcement of the King's policies, not as protection against aggressive outside nations but against those that speak against the King. Histroy shows that this subversion of the military is the eventual case, and indeed, is such knowledge was a major reason why the 2000 years ago the Roman Army was never allowed inside the city walls.

When the nation was being formed during the 2d American Revolution (1789) there was great resistance to having a standing military as it was asserted that eventually it could (and would) be used as the arm of the King against the People. This  kind of crap (using the military for non-military purposes of cleaning up oil-spills) sets a dangerous precedent - just as using the military as part of peace-keeping missions and as part of humanitarian aid activities sets a dangerous precedent.

First you get the military itself accustomed to performing non-military tasks where they interact with the civilian population, next you get them involved in activities directing the actions of civilians, and next you have them all primed and ready to go when you need to release them to control the citizens so as to advance the current government agenda. Bringing things home, do you not think that the American military will be used against tea party participants if there was civil unrest as the policies of the very government throw the country into chaos- do you not think that the military will be asked to help the King should there be a treat of a civil war? I wonder if the boys and girls attending the service academies have ever pondered that they may be asked to turn their arms and energies against the country's own citizenry. (General Lee and General Grant had to face this question in real time.)

Therefore it is important to recall what they say in Arabia -

Let not thy camel's nose be seen under the edge of your tent, for soon thy beast will be inside, yea, shall have no place to sleep, thy stores [food] shall be gone, and yea shall starve.

~ Jazeeb's admonition to his sons concerning the harm that befalls when one allows incursion of another onto one's property

First oil spill cleanup in the Gulf, next,  herding you up into the cattle pens of the socialist re-educationcamp.

1 comment:

Claudius Valarium said...

You bet, the military has no business poking it's nose under the tent. And, by the way, there are some out there that say service men and women have already been asked it they have problems keeping their fellow countrymen under control. Do you think they signed up for that when they saw the recruiters?