Thursday, December 3, 2009

Climategate Czar Beheaded

Czar Update

John Holdren – Science Czar
Chapter 26

Late last month, the email system from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, one of the worlds leading climate research facilities, was breeched, exposing what may be the largest scientific fraud in history. The emails detail a concerted effort to hide, conceal, alter and destroy the scientific evidence contradicting their global warming fundamentalism. Al Gore must now be kicking himself for “inventing” the Internet.

A key player in this email scandal is Obama's radical Science Czar John Holdren. As detailed in Chapter 26 of SHADOW GOVERNMENT, John Holdren is a left wing radical with a decades long history of peddling the catastrophe du jour to advance his big government, anti-capitalist agenda.

On November 24, 2009, The Canada Free Press reported that Holdren was prominently featured in the thousands of the hacked emails. Congressional Republicans, led by Congressman Darryl Issa (R-CA) have started investigating these climate scientists whose emails suggest they tried to stifle global warming dissent.

~ From National Republican Trust - Author of Shadow Government, which details the connections and backgrounds of Obama's Czars.

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