"I do think that if we try to defend capitalism and try to defend freedom just on the basis of the Judeo-Christian morality , we're in trouble. [Be]cause I think that philosophy is much more consistent with socialism than it is with capitalism. [Ed Note: He is correct on this point.] This country was founded on the principles of the enlightment: on John Locke; on individualism; on ideas that came out of the age of reason, not ideas that came out of the New Testament. [Ed Note: He is correct here too.] And that's important."
"That [the Jefferson Bible] is full of altruism, that is full of this idea that we need to be our brothers keeper, it is full of the idea of need as a moral claim against us, and that is what Obama, and that is what socialists use in order to get us to accept health care and to get America behind them."
"The key is that we understand that capitalism stands for individualism, self interest, a rational pursuit of our own happiness , that's in our Declaration of Independence, and we launched the Campaign for Liberty on a moral foundation of the right to pursue happiness - individual happiness - your own happiness.~ Yaron Brook, Ayn Rand Institute Director, Responding live to a comment made by Glenn Beck .....
We need to reject this notion that somebody's need, somebody that doesn't have health insurance, somebody that doesn't have a pension, or somebody that does not have money to buy food, [that their need] lays a claim - a moral claim and a political claim on my life, on my productivity, on my success. If we can reject that, then capitalism and freedom are easy after that."
"I do feel we have a collective responsibility to the least among us to some extent, but I'm not a socialist. [Ed Note: Oh, really? Think Again.] I think that is terrifying."~Pat Caddell, Former advisor to President Carter, speaking to Glenn Beck on 9/12/2009
~Ayn Rand"Reason is not automatic, and those that deny it, cannot be reached by it."
~ A. Koenig, aka Seneca"It is far easier to think the lie to be the truth, than it is to discover the truth itself."
So my friends, here in the first statement, we have the clearest presentation of the objectivist philosophy that I have ever heard ........ and here in the second statement, we hear the clearest presentation of the muddled thinking of those that Ms Rand is referring to in hers, the third statement.
More to be posted later but other commitmments require me to take leave for now so that I can be my own keeper ....and not yours.
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