Just looking to get my daily dose of arrrgggg and I ran across this
" ....The impending vote on Sotomayor has confronted the GOP with a political dilemma. Many senators are torn between their desire to please a conservative based (sic) that opposes Obama's nominee and a fear that doing so could alienate Hispanic voters, a fast-growing part of the electorate."
Wow, what an idea. Let's create, and then pander to, voter blocks. Right On, Right On, Right On. Let's get people thinking of themselves first as Blacks, Mexicans, Hispanics, Germans, short, fat, handicapped, males, straights, homosexuals, etc ..... and then we can pit them against each other so they vote their separate identities. Now, if we can just couple this with getting the various "groups" to grovel and grunt and use the political system to get "their" piece of the pie, then we will really be able to manipulate things.
So, then, is this is what we have been reduced to? We have Supreme Court nomination decisions being based on race, not on qualifications or espoused ideology? What? If you are Hispanic you get a free pass???
Wouldn't want to alienate the Hispanics?? If that would indeed alienate the Hispanics, then sounds to me like the people being alienated are racist in that they think that race matters. Also sounds to me like the people that do not want do do any alienating are being racist too in that their decision about a nominee is indeed race based.
What's next, having to put a handicapped person on the SC because they are handicapped? After that, a demand for a justice that has red hair and freckles? I mean, it is clear that redheaded freckled people are discriminated against in judicial appointments.
Talk about the dumbing down of America.
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