This just sent to me by a friend:
I don’t know if Costco does these surveys just for fun or if they have political agenda. But, this month’s survey is asking if animals should have the same rights as people? I know it sounds crazy, but just imagine the ramifications of animals having equal legal protection and the same rights as humans. For starters, the people on welfare would start asking for food stamps and housing for their four legged family members. Would we have to have ADA style ramps and bathrooms for animals? What about animal accessible doors. Would dogs ask for their own traffic lane? Cyclist lobbied and they now have their own traffic lanes in many areas, why not animals? I’m sure you all can add even more absurd pet rights to this short list.
Go here to cast your vote and be sure to let your pets vote too. It’s the politically correct thing to do.
From your politically incorrect friend.
1 comment:
My wife is reforming thanks to be married to RKL but my mother in law so no such luck. By reforming I mean in regards to such nutty views as you show in your post. For example last time I was at my in law's house my mother in law was talking about peta and how they do some pretty good things. I then quoted one of their leaders as saying "An ant on the street has the same right to life as my own child" as the raving of a lunatic. My mother and law suddenly became silent.
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